On Sun, Nov 05, 2000 at 01:05:01PM -0500, S . Salman Ahmed wrote:
> Last night I upgraded all X packages to XFree4.0.1, and now I can't
> login to X using WDM. Every time I enter my userid and password in the
> WDM login panel, the login panel disappears, I see a plain grey
> background, and then the login panel reappears.
> Is there anyway to debug this problem to find out why this is happening
> ? And also, is there a quick fix for this ?
> I am using Wdm-1.19-4.2, and I noticed the problem right after I
> installed xbase-clients-4.0.1 (and xcontrib-3.3.6 was removed).

I've had this problem a couple times after upgrading core WindowMaker or X
packages.  I would guess it's a conflict between some of the old libraries
(still in use by wdm/the running X server) and the new ones (which newly-
started processes will access during the login/session startup sequence).

To get everyone using the same libraries again, restart wdm.
(/etc/init.d/wdm restart)

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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