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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> We're now running a little pentium box in the office as a mailserver
> running sendmail.
> its running potato with the security.debian.org upgrades, all
> packages installed via apt-get, its pretty much a base install with
> sendmail, perl, dnsutils and sysutils added.
> a few questions:
> a) are there any further security precautions we should take? our IP
> block from the telco is frequently scanned by unpleasant people.

Without knowing more about your particular setup I can only give a
generalization: protect any and all computers on your netblock with a
packet filtering firewall of some sort.

> b) the default mailq time on sendmail was 10 minutes, we've shortened
> that to 2 minutes. Is the 10 minute default arbitrary or there for a
> good reason?

I dunno - other people should be able to answer.

If you don't have load problems running the queue that often I say go for

> c) for the record would anyone like to take this opportunity to tell
> me why exim would be prefereable to sendmail?

1) exim is easier to configure

2) exim has more functionality in some areas (but less in others - I've
heard rumors that one can get sendmail to play tic-tac-toe via email using
only sendmail.cf), particularly regarding queue management (sendmail has

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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