Having used first Red Hat then several versions of SuSE Linux all the Linux
Pro's tell me that Debian is the best set-up.

Was getting quite fed-up with all their extra garbage files they seem to
insist on installing. 

So I have just located/Ordered a 6 CD set.  

My main question is this:

 I need to install KDE 1.1.2 source files to do a re-write to incorporate
the ability to run pure GTK themes on KDE 1.1.2.  

Having downloaded all the KDE2 beta's and now the full KDE2 version only to
find it dam unstable with uncontrollable  geometry.

My main wish is to re-work/re-compile KDE 1.1.2 into a better overall
package with GTK Themmingrather that to go, with the norm, KDE2.

Can anyone provide me with info on where to locate the Debian source files
for KDE 1.1.2 as it seems that kde.org no longer hold them on their servers
(but only KDE2).


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