On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 12:07:43PM +0000, Thomas Halahan wrote:
> Dear deb-users,
> I want my .bash_profile to be read "globally" whenever I log in from 
> xdm.  Previously in Redhat I would start X from /dev/tty1 which was a 
> login shell.  However with debian I log in from xdm, and consequently 
> none of my konsoles (I run KDE2) or xterms (/dev/pts/?) are are login 
> shells by default.  This means that my bash profile is not read.
> Q>  Is there any way, in .xsessions or otherwise, to load my 
> bash_profile "globally" when logging in from xdm?

Try linking ~/.bashrc to ~/.bash_profile:

ln -s ~/.bash_profile ~/.bashrc


                                 ______  _____________
 Marcelo Ramos                  |      \/       __    |
 Debian 2.2 GNU/Linux 2.2.17    |              |_/    /
 Linux registered user #118109  |                    \
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |_____|\/|_____|\_____\

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