Apt-move works great for sources of packages that support rsync, but as far 
as I can tell, it won't work for 

deb http://kde.tdyc.com stable kde2

The thing I'm trying to accomplish is this:
Using my pathetic 33.6 modem, I apt-get install some packages.  After it's 
installed, I want to have these packages available on my home network so that 
my other three systems can apt-get them from my lan.  

So I have a set of packages in /var/cache/apt/archive, and a few in my home 
directory.  How do I put them in an apt-getable directory structure, complete 
with Packages, Packages.gz, and Release files?  If there's a way to make 
those three files by hand, then I'd be half-way there.

Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

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