A question for all Linux gurus out there:

I have encountered a program called 'linuxconfig' which, on the 
face of it, appears to be a useful system tool. It is a curses-
based program, that knows where all the various debian system
files are, and allows root to modify users, groups, networking
configuration and so on.

Just as a simple example, if you want to add a bunch of users 
to a group, you could use linuxconfig to look at the group, 
and type in the names of the users you want to add (yes, I know, 
not much saving there - it was just an example). The program will
also tell you of permissions that are incorrectly set, and let
you put them back how they should be.

This of course hides information from the user about where the
real files are that you are changing, which I guess a purist
would despise. Other than that, is linuxconfig a 'good thing',
or does it have security problems associated with it that one
ought to know about?

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
"Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

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