Hi again,

Today I moved /etc/X11 and /usr/X11R6 and I apt-get --reinstall all of
the packages associated with X 4.0.1.  However, I still received the
error cannot open fonts (the one I posted yesterday).  I was so hopeful
when I updated this afternoon and all of the packages had been updated. 
even after installing the NEW X packages, i still get the same error.  I
am really confused.  I saw another post that talked about corrupted
fonts, but I did not see a response to that either.

I wish I was proficient enough not to need a windowed environment, but
the reality is that I am not.  If anyone has any ideas about this I
would be very grateful.  Actually, I would be more than grateful, I just
cannot think of an appropriate adjective.

Thank you in advance.

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