On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 01:49:49AM +1100, Kaleb Daark wrote:
> I have now downloaded both kernel-source-2.2.17_2.2.17pre6-1.deb and 
> kernel-source-2.2.15_2.2.15-3.deb, first from ftp.de.debian.org,
> ftp.au.debian.org, and ftp.debian.org which seemed to go OK, dpkg even
> installed them with no errors, but when unpacking I received:
> .. files in archive ...
> kernel-source-2.2.15/drivers/net/sktr.c
> kernel-source-2.2.15/drivers/net/sktr.h
> tar: Skipping to next file header

...more woes skipped

> I can't see how there could be two corrupted archives, with two different
> versions of the package, on the three different servers I have tried. 
> So I downloaded, from ftp.aarnet.lkams.kernel.org linux-2.2.17.tar.bz2, and
> linux-2.2.17.tar.gz, (no small task over a 56k link), and when I check the

and suddenly it downed, I had spurious corrupted dowloads in the past.
fixed it with what is the name... to rearrange irq priority...
installed hwtools... editted /etc/rc.boot/hwtools and replaced the line
with #irqtune with /usr/lib/hwtools/irqtune

my machine couldn't keep up with the modem as harddisk etc intervened,
but that was way back in Hamm, so YMMV

groetjes, carel

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