Peter, Nils,

I've identified the sound chip in question, it's a Crystal CS4236.
The settings in WinNT can be seen in this picture: . The alsa-related
stuff I've nstalled from the CDs can be seen in this excerpt from
root's .bash_history (commented by me): . I also made
a copy of the output from alsaconf (minus all the curses-stuff!),
where you can see that a file is missing: . Finally the file
created by alsaconfig is in .

So far I haven't compiled anything, as the module already exists.
If I run /etc/init.d/alsa start I get this text:
Starting sound driver: snd-card-cs4236 failed.

Feels like I'm getting close, but at the same time, maybe I have
missed something really obvious, just don't know what yet.

Ideas, anyone?

  // \\
 /(   )\
< hugge >

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