"Matus \"fantomas\" Uhlar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>i set up procmail filter which sends all messages do debian-* lists to
>special folder.
>* ^Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>* ^Resent-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Note that this won't cope with cc'ed or bcc'ed messages. Consider using
Resent-Sender: or X-Mailing-List: instead.

>Well in THIS case it didn't work... could anybody tell me why doesn't this
>message contain any of these headers ?

Maybe your mail server and/or procmail got confused by this rubbish

>-> Lines: 23
>-> --------------------: : :---------------------
>-> ...anarchy.&.love...:
>-> ____________________: : :_____________________
>-> Resent-Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The blank line just after Lines: seems to suggest that something isn't
fully RFC822-compliant in its header parsing: as far as I know, '-----'
or whatever is a legal header name. My mail server (exim), my exim
filters, and my mail-to-news software handled it just fine. (Although if
you'd asked me beforehand about whether mailtonews would cope I'd have
said "umm, not sure" ...)

All the same, Tomas, if your odd mail headers are causing difficulty for
people then you might want to consider moving that stuff to a .signature
file or something.

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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