Krzys Majewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
> > Look in /lib/modules/x.y.z/ where x.y.z is your linux kernel version.
> > If the modules are not there, you will have to compile them from the kernel
> > sources.
> > (first, check if they are not included as part of the kernel).
> > Silver
> Hrm no, I think the tap modules are aliases for something,
> and I'm wondering where to find the list of aliases.

I use the tap0 stuff to do networking with user mode linux... I don't know
what's requesting that interface on your computer however.

On my 2.4.0-test10 box it's the ethertap module which enables tap*, though
IIRC it was listed as an obsolete feature in favor of something else?

Maybe not a solution to your problem, but at least a coupla more data


[                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                ]
[              icq #3354423 | |              ]

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