In a galaxy not too far away, Eric G . Miller spoke on Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 
08:18:21AM -0800:
> On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 11:00:42AM -0500, Paindavoine, Matthieu (MPAINDAV) 
> wrote:
> > Out of curiosity....
> > I spent my weekend trying to reinstall Deb 2.2 out of floppies, on a 4GB HD.
> > The installation kept sending me back to the floor, (the floppies would die
> > before the end of the install of the base, or it wouldn't make the hd
> > bootable). I was using a partition like
> > 
> > /boot       primary 10MB
> > /swap primary       32MB
> > /   primary 32MB
> > /home       logical   1000MB
> > /usr  logical    800MB
> > /var        logical    250MB
> > 
> > I changed that now to 
> > 
> > /boot primary       10MB
> > /swap primary       32MB
> > /   primary rest
> > 
> > and the installation went smoothly.
> > 
> > Now I'm just wondering what was wrong with what i assume is a wrong
> > partitioning of my HD?
> I think the problem is the install routine need enough space for
> /target/base_2_2.tgz *and* its unpacked contents.  This leads to needing
> more space for '/' than you will probably ever need again.  I know I had
> the same problem using a 50MB '/', but if I made it bigger, say 100MB
> (if I recall), it worked.  I didn't see any documentation about what the
> minimum disk space requirement is for a floppy install.
Yes, i think your / partition is too small for the above reason.
last time i installed potato i used about 65MB for root and it worked...

> -- 
> Eric G. Miller <>
> "Time is Free"
> -- 
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