Frankly i think the bl**dy antivirus messages spewed out by the antivirus 
program is almost a  bigger nuisance <grin>

talk about getting spammed :)

Anyway i allready saved a copy off this one after cleaning up a customer last 
week. She decided to run the friggin thing


John Griffiths wrote:

> Warning all the people reading this list on windows and to the sender who may 
> be unaware.
> The Navidad.exe that was attached to the original mail is the new 
> virus/trojan that became widespread over the weekend..
> handle with extreme caution (especially spanish version windows users who its 
> targeted for)
> At 12:01 PM 11/14/2000 +0800, H.C.Hsiang wrote:
> >
> >On 14-Jun-2000 cam_random wrote:
> >>
> >> My video card is a nVIDIA TNT2, however when i configure XF86 I can't
> >> find my card in the database.  any ideas?
> >>
> >> Justin
> >>
> >
> >Hi, Justin...
> >The TNT2 chipset is listed as RivaTNT2 (chipset # 412 when using xf86config 
> >in
> >Xfree86 4.0). As an alternative, you might want to know that the card's using
> >the XF_SVGA graphics server and provides 2D graphics acceleration. I'm 
> >posting
> >you my XF86Config file (done for an Elsa Erazor III Lt with TNT2 M64 and a
> >GoldStar 56i - display, so you almost surely might want to check the monitor
> >settings inside. :))) ).
> >
> >Hope this helps.. :))
> >Kristian
> >
> >
> > --
> >Kristian Rink
> >
> >"time and rules are changing, attention span is quickening,
> > welcome... to the Information Age..." (Queensryche)
> >
> >
> >Attachment Converted: "C:\Eudora\Attach\Navidad.exe"
> >
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