On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 03:27:14PM -0600, Keegan Prendergast wrote:
>    I have my debian linux box setup as a masqing gateway for the rest of
> the computers in the house.  The problem is, I did it by hand and have not
> rebooted since, because i could not figure out where i should put the
> commands =).  Should they go in /etc/init.d/networking, or some local init
> file. Also has the structure of the network startup changed, because all
> of the documentation i have found refers to paths or files, that are not
> the same as the ones i have....At anyrate if any one knows the source of
> any detailed/current documentation on the way debian runs startup files,
> network configuration, or just has an answer to my question please
> reply...thanks...oh yeah...i am running potato..

/etc/network/interfaces is where you should set up potato
networking parameters, including your internal (192.168.*.*
probably) net card and your external net card; then

        apt-get install ipmasq

and you should be done.

for your other computers, specify 192.168.debian.box as
their gateways. there's a bit more to it than this,
and someone's working on it, hot and heavy, over
at eGroups.com/group/newbieDoc...

There are only two places in the world where time takes
precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
                                        --William Glasser 

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