Hmm yeah. I could try VMware, have done in the past. But, I have a machine
with 64mb ram only, Tie that up with Vmware and flash 5, and things
sloooooow dramatically. Before you say upgrade, think of the cost here,
We're technologically disadvantaged in AU hehe. Plus, for some strange
reason, even following the docs, I could never get more than 16 colours out
of vmware. It's just basically easier to dual boot, and put up with it. I'm
not concerned about uptimes here, I don't need to be, I don't have a machine
that has to be connected to the net 24/7, I do have one that does, but it's
a different machine, running Debian, I only use Debian on my box for what I
said in my previous email. It's a case of use what's suitable and what's in
the budget, not what's l33t and anti-Microsoft.

My last word.
Peter Good.

----- Original Message -----
From: Blake Barnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Peter Good' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 9:04 AM
Subject: RE: Okay who's this "H.C.Hsiang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>?

> Hash: SHA1
> - -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Good [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 7:41 PM
> Cc: H.C.Hsiang; debian-user
> Subject: Re: Okay who's this "H.C.Hsiang"
> Debian for php, sql, staroffice, mail, and a few other misc things.
> Windows 98 for Macromedia Flash 5, Dreamweaver and Fireworks.
> As much as I try, i can't get around not being able to use flash 5
> and
> fireworks (customers like their pretty tricks :) otherwise i'd
> convert
> to linux completely.
> >
> > Well it is ok now. But it does teach people not to open attachments
> > that they do not know about espcially when using M$ softwares.
> > Atleast they should switch to some other MUAs as has been discussed
> > in the list for the past few days or move over to better OS's(like
> > gnu/linux). BTW how many of you on this list use multiple oses on
> > your desktop and which ones do you use and for what purposes. That
> > should be an interesting one...:)
> >
> > See ya.
> > Vijay.
> >
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> Version: PGP 6.5.3
> iQA/AwUBOhMWbYqA07MPedgtEQLjVwCg+flwPkj5mXNePGMDz6DiUnY+3xMAni4P
> 9r//egaO7fmQ7VqzvucfLi4x
> =kxS0

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