a good bet is to delete loads of files in /var/log then reboot
some handy logs attempt to write a logfile saying the disk is full, this
is of course a self fulfilling prophesy.

Vicente wrote:
> My system has run out of hard disk space.
> I have removed several files, but df always says
> that there is no free space available.
> # df
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1              1968508   1907024         0 100% /
> What should I do?
> --
> ########################################  .'/,-Y"     "~-.
> Vicente Torres Carot                      l.Y             ^.
> Universidad Politécnica de Valencia       /\               __  "Doh!"
> Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica   i            ___/"   "\
> Extensión: 6034                          |          /"   "\   o !
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>                                              __.  (   /       ______)
> "I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's      \   l  /-----~~" /
> just the way I am." -- Homer Simpson --         Y   \          /
> ##############################################     | "x______.^
> --
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> --
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