On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 07:42:13PM -0200, Rogerio Theodoro de Brito wrote:
>       I've tried to use both XFree86 3.3.6 and 4.0.1e (Branden's
>       packages from Debian) and after working for 2 or 3 *seconds*,
>       the whole machine hangs *hard*: no desktop switching, no
>       ctrl-alt-fx, no magic sysrq, no life, no nothing. :-(
>       But some strange facts actually happen:
>       1 - when using XFree with a low resolution, 640x480 with 16
>           colors (like when I'm running XF86Setup), everything works
>           ok;
>       2 - the *worst* part: windows works fine even with very, very
>           high resolutions and a considerable amount of time (I
>           don't have games here to test really intensive use of the
>           card).

> (**) Mouse: 3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
> (**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: "Generic VGA"
> (**) SVGA: Monitor ID: "Monitor"
> (**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: "Matrox Millennium G400 16MB"
> (**) SVGA: Monitor ID: "My Monitor"
> (--) SVGA: detected an SGRAM card
> (--) SVGA: chipset:  mgag400
> (**) SVGA: videoram: 4096k
> (**) SVGA: Option "dac_8_bit"

Reading the output of startx, it seems to be a server/memory-affair.
In the first underlined line, you can see that your default Xserver
is the "Generic Vga", while your videocard needs the SVGA server:
you have to re-run "xf86config" program (first you have to control
the installation of the XF86_SVGA server in /usr/X11R6/bin) and here
set XF86_SVGA server as the default.
With the same program you have also to correct the amount of your
videocard (in kb) : the second underlined line shows the amount of 4096k of
videoram while G400 has 16M.
I suggest you "xf86config" program also in XF...3.6 because for XF..4
i's the only configuration tool (if I remember well).

        paolo massei (and his rusted English ;))

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