On Sat, Nov 18, 2000 at 06:39:28PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> On Sat Nov 18 18:10:07 2000 Alson van der Meulen wrote...
> >
> >On Sat, Nov 18, 2000 at 05:59:50PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> >>    Seting up a recycled machine for Dabian Potato. Superprobe returns:
> >> 
> >>    First video: Super-VGA
> >>    Chipset: Trident GUI 9680 (PCI Probed)
> >>    Memory:  1024 Kbytes
> >> 
> >>    RAMDAC:  Trident Built-In 15/16/24-bit DAC
> >>    (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in 6-bit mode))
> >> 
> >> 
> >>    So what sort of resoloutin/color depth cobos should I be able to get? I
> >>    selected 24 bit color during install and would up with a truly horible
> >>    resolutin. Something like 480x360 or something :-(
> >
> >i get 800x600 for 16-bit and 1024x768 for 8-bit with a similar card, s3 
> >trio64,
> >1 mb vidram. 24-bit will probably do 640x480 (640*480*3 <= 1mb), you can 
> >calculate
> >it yourself by multiplying the width with the height and with (color depth / 
> >8),
> >for example 800*600*2 (=800x600, 16 bit) = 960000 <= 1mb
>       Cool. I think I'll try the 800x600 at 16 bit.
>       Now what was the name of that nice friendly config program that ran at 
> install
>       time? It told me it's nae, but I forgoti it.
XF86Setup or xf86config
XF86Setup is more user-friendly, but needs the vga16 server to work for your 
(it does not for mine, but it should usually do)

if XF86Setup fails, try xf86config, it works too, though not too user-friendly
> Name:           Alson van der Meulen      <
> Personal:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       <
> School:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <
You might as well all go home early today ...

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