On Sun, Nov 19, 2000 at 10:01:45PM -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
> A new web site has been started called "debianHELP" at 
> <http://www.debianhelp.org>.


maybe we can populate your site as we develop just your
kind of stuff at eGroups.com/group/newbieDoc ...

[any possible trouble/conflict with the debian* name?
if not, maybe newbieDoc can be First Iteration where
we iron out the kinks, and then debianHelp.com can
be 'final post' area...?]

There are only two places in the world where time takes
precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
                                        --William Glasser 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ***    http://www.dontUthink.com/

volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies -- http://www.eGroups.com/messages/newbieDoc

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