On Sat, Nov 18, 2000 at 03:11:59PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> >Got it working in console mode?
> >
>       Mmm, sorry I was not specific enough on my problems.
>       The answer is "no it's not working in console mode".
>       Here is what i have in /etc/gpm.conf
>       device=/dev/psaux
>       responsiveness=
>       repear_type=ms3
>       type=ps2
>       append=""
>       Think I should cahnge the tyep?
>       I ned to get it working in console mode first, before moving on to X
Me too have had some truobles with a PS2 mouse (with add-on card):
these are my /etc/gpm.conf and the mouse section of /etc/X11/XF86Config file:
both of them work fine *without* using the wheel (and imwheel program :(( )



/etc/XF86Config (mouse part):

Section "Pointer"
    Protocol  "MouseSystems"
    Device      "/dev/mouse"

Note:/dev/mouse is a symlink to /dev/psaux
Note 2: on another potato machine, with the same logitech mouse (NOT in a
        separate card), those files DON'T work. Sigh!!!

            paolo massei

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