mount -t vfat /dev/hda2  /mnt/windows/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,
or too many mounted file systems
(aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
instead of some logical partition inside?)

what i have is 2 hd one on an ata66 card and one is ide --
i am trying to mount the ide that has win98 on it
but anytime i seem to want to do it -- this error pops his head up


*   .~.        Alan Todd                  *
*   /V\                 *
*  // \\     Web Development              *
* /(   )\      ICQ : 159944               *
*  ^^-^^  E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
*           Phone : 803-802-7416          *

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