Brandt Dusthimer wrote:

>     Well, like I said, there aren't any other GL stuffs ( other than the
> NVidia stuffs that is) on my box.  I was running Quake 3 fine and dandy (and
> everything else too) with Woody and the NVidia stuffs before.  Then, since
> for some reason I had to remake the NVidia driver everytime I booted up, I
> decided to upgrade to the most recent version of Woody.  Ouch. . . it kind
> of broke my box.  I've fixed a lot of the stuff, but there are still some
> things that aren't quite working yet.  For example, Quake 3.  Also, right
> now only root can use the Emu10k1 (sound) driver.  Can't play any sounds
> with any other user.

You might need to add the other users to the audio group.  I think it looks like

   #adduser user audio


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