On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 09:10:09AM -0500, J. Bruce Fields wrote:
> Yowza! Watch out for those model numbers, and don't assume two cards with
> similar names are really related. Apparently the FA311 does not use the
> tulip driver.  Try a google search on FA311 and linux.  It looks like some
> people have complaints about it, but if you plow through the hits you'll
> find some folks that say they've gotten it working.
> Best of luck---jbf

Jeff, Bruce is correct here.  Just curious, do you have the box handy
which the card came in?.  You can get the model number off of that or
by looking at the card itself.  My cards also came with a floppy called
"Drivers and Diagnostic Disk".  It has Micro~s??t DOS on it but if you
mount it up , you may find some Linux drivers.  All of mine did.  I have
the FA311 drivers on my floppy btw and can send them to you offlist if
these are the ones you need and for some reason you can't get them off
your floppy.  (I'd check your floppy first of course.)         

The exact model I have is Netgear FA311 REV-A1.  I also have the other
models as well.

Jeff, here is another "gotcha" you may want to watch for when compiling
your own drivers.  Go to /usr/doc/kernel-source-????? and look at the
README.header.gz.  There is a big messy issue with kernel headers wrt to
/usr/include/asm and /usr/include/linux.  I do know form personal
experience that compiling with /usr/include/linux and the /usr/src/linux
headers makes nonfunctional drivers..... Some vendors tend to make
assumptions which aren't valid at present. 

Good luck,  15 hours to get a device to work is a real pain. 
Been there, done that. (:

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