On Fri, Nov 24, 2000 at 02:34:13PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hallo Folks,
> I've just swaped from Suse to debian 2.2. 

good idea.

> The whole system runs just fine
> but I canĀ“t mount my floppy or cd. 

If you want to mount as normal user, check the permissions of the
devices (/dev/fd0) you need to be in the appropriate group (floppy).

> The system knows my device when I am installing packages, but not
> from the console or from gnome. I must add, that I am running an
> scsi-cdrom.  

What tool produces what kind of error-message?

> Is there a setup programm (just like this for the
> installation).  Thanks for your help.  

I prefere apt-cdrom/cache/get to dselect. There is no tool like Yast,
but there are commandline-tools. They are more powerfull.

Thomas Guettler
Office: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.interface-business.de
Private:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://yi.org/guettli

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