"Sean Norris,,," <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks for the really quick replies.
> Bud Rogers wrote:
>  >
>  >
>  > You probably need to add "static" to that line.  And you will need to
>  > add at least address and netmask entries for that interface.  Man
>  > interfaces for details.
>  >
>  > iface eth1 inet static
>  > address
>  > netmask
> I added these lines and the static option ( thanks for the man reference
> ).  However, I still get the same error when I use  #ifup eth1.
> Leen Besselink wrote:
>  > Are you sure the module loaded ? sounds like some kind of driver problem.
>  > 'lsmod' will tell you more about that, also you could take a look at the
>  > output of 'dmesg'. Maybe that will tell you what went wrong.
>  >
>  > Hope this helps.
> I am as sure as I can be with my experience.  That is, I have full web
> access and am sending this email over the eth0 card with that module.
> I did #lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by
> loop                    7808   0  (unused)
> tulip                  30680   1
> sound                  57356   0  (unused)
> soundlow                 344   0  [sound]
> No errors were found when I looked at dmesg.

So what type of card is your second ethernet adapter? Unless you're
using one whose driver is built into the kernel there isn't a kernel
module being loaded for it. If it's a tulip based card, like your
original, then you should see:

Module                  Size  Used by
tulip                  30264   2 

Note the "2" under "Used by". This is the setup I have and I didn't
have to do anything for the tulip module to recognize the second
ethernet card.


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