1)  I install Debian 2.1 today , I'm single user.
     I need setup internet dialup network urgently.
     I use "pppconfig" to setup internet connection. setup is ok.
     I use #pon in root for dial, connection ok , everything ok.
     but when i use $pon command in my user account (/home/satyajit), I
     error message : /usr/bin/pon : /usr/sbin/pppd : permission denied
     I use this # chmod u+s /usr/bin/pon
                   # chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd
     but same error.
     Please someone urgently help me how can I active pon/poff command in my
     user account (/home/satyajit) for take internet connection

2) I want to give some color to directory, symlink and executive files.
which file I will edit ?
     In Color-ls mini-howto  said to edit /etc/bashrc file but I'm not find
it in my /etc dir.
     how can I use color ?

need urgent reply.

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