Please see and
see which matches your drive best.  When you find the right one there
will be a links to manuals etc.  For instance:

On 2000-12-03 18:07:39, john gennard wrote:

> The harddrive although old seems in good condition. Again, a
> problem as I can find nothing on IBM's website which helps with
> the jumper settings. There are 12 of these:- 
>       1. Spare(50pin)
>           ID bit3
>           (For Wide)

Your drive is narraw if the interface is 50 pin, otherwise it's a wide
drive and you might not want this set.

>       2. ID bit 2
>       3. ID bit 1
>       4. ID bit 0

These are used to set the scsi id of the drive with 1 used for . If
this is your boot drive, conventional wisdom says this drive should be
the lowest id in the system (e.g. 0, no pins set).

>       5. Disable Auto Spin

Do you want the drive to fire up right away or wait a bit - if you
have many drives starting them all at the same time might draw too
much power (or strain the power supply, depending on how you look at

>       6. SCSI term on

The scsi bus have to be terminated in both ends with the controller
taking care of one end.  Enable this, unless you plan on having other
devices after the drive (or if you have an external (active)

>       7. Disable unit attn

Leave this at default.

>       8. Spare

Don't worry about these.

>       9. Auto start delay
>           10. Delay start 6/12

Used to control deplay per 5.

>           11. Disable parity

Leave this at default.

>           12. LED out

If you want the led for this drive to show on your case, connect the
led cable here - if you only have one led, connect scsi ctrl instead

> some people I've spoken to insist only one device can 
> be attached externally whilst the literature clearly says up to 7.

You connect one drive to the controller and daisy chain other, notice
scsi cable length restrictions might bite you here.

host ctrl ---= device1

> Furthermore, here in the UK no-one appears to stock any 'boxes'
> or whatever for more than one device. A stock explanation seems
> to be "haven't seen any for years - there's no call for them" 
> (One 'charming' individual said he knows nothing technical
> about computer parts "I only sell them".

It's not a standard item, but you should be able to find them.
Perhaps, "external drive case" or "external dat case" might do the
trick for you.

Allan M. Wind                   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022                   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

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