Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi again,
> I earlier sent a message about problems I have been having getting a
> printer to work under kernel 2.4.0-test11.  Well, I since have tried
> it under a 2.15 kernel on a laptop and got the same problem ---
> printer not active or something to that effect.
> I also took the printer home where I have a computer (using a
> 2.4.0-test10 kernel) with a printer where everything works.  I
> connected up the problem printer instead, and it doesn't work!  Except
> that here the problem is a bit different.  Here it doesn't say the
> printer is not active, or offline.  On the contrary, it says that it
> is active and printing, the only problem is that all that happens, is
> that after a suitable period of time (1 minute or so, maybe 2) it
> claims to have finished printing when in actual fact nothing has
> printed at all!
> Now why this is different behaviour from the original desktop (and the
> laptop) I do not know.  Perhaps because the more sophisticated
> parallel port communication stuff was compiled into the kernels of the
> former?  I don't know.  But the bottom line is that the printer
> doesn't seem to be working whichever computer I attach it to.
> I know that printing works for my home desktop, so it seems to me that
> it probably is a problem with the printer.  I swapped cables and that
> didn't change matters, so it would seem to be a problem with the
> actual printer.  It is a Canon BJC-4200.
> So, the question that I have is....
> What should I do now?  Should I just take the printer to some repair
> shop (can anyone recommend anyone?)?  Or are there other simple things
> I could do to try and fix the problem?  Is there something simple I am
> missing?
> Are there any other ways I could check whether it is really a problem
> with the printer?  (I could always, shock, horror, try and use it
> under windows --- of course that would mean having to work out how to
> set it up under windows).
> Well I suppose this email is as much me thinking out aloud than
> anything else, but if anyone has some useful feedback, I'd love to
> hear it.
Unless it's a problem that Linux has with this printer, I agree that it
seems to be the printer that is the problem. If you want to make really
sure, try if you can get it to work with Windoze, if you have that
option. Otherwise back to the vendor or whoever.


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