On Friday 01 December 2000 23:35, Tim Uckun wrote:

> digging around a bit I found out I was running on run-level 2! WTF?? I then
> changed the inittab and did a reboot (just to be sure) and bash segfaulted
> on me.

Note that run level 2 is the default run level in debian.  I never did 
understand why redhad wanted to start with 3...

1 = single user mode
2,3,4,5 = vendor/administrator defined run levels
6 = reboot

As you can see, 2 is just as valid as 3 for run levels, so why not start with 
2 and let administrators mess with a set of consecutive run levels instead of 
skipping around?  By default, run level 3 should be identical to 2, ready for 
you to alter as you see fit, so there's no reason it should have acted 
differently than 2.

I don't blame you for wanting to re-install.  A segfault in the midst of an 
initial install would spook me too.  Hope it goes well the next time around!
Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

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