> >Can anybody tell me, what I have to install / configure to have a working
> >GL-lib based on DRI with hardware acceleration?
> >
> >mfg
> >  Mischel S aus P
> Go to http://www.debianplanet.org and look on the left hand side. There is a
> nice tutorial on installing XF4 in Debian using a Voodoo card.
> Scott

Ok, I succeeded in installing my voodoo properly, but it is very slow 
(20fps XFree4.0 DRI, 35 fps XFree3.6 dev3dfx) and applications using
GL seems to stop from time to time (for just a second or less). But games
are not playable with this. Is this a driver-related issue and can I speed
up things a little bit (20fps are ok, but those short freezes of my Quake3
are not)?

  Mischel S aus P

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