Hey, those packages from Progeny worked very well. They fixed the problem about gmc being completely unusable for newly created users. They didn't fix the problem with the URLs and not being able to change the icons on the desktop. These are minor issues by comparison, but is there a configuration something or other that I'm missing here to get those things working?

Installing the packages from another distribution is obviously a less than optimal solution to this important problem, is there any better way to get the attention of the maintainer besides all the bugs that have already been reported on this? I would at least be satisfied to be told that it was a huge problem that is being looked at and may take months to fix, but it seems like the problems are being ignored. What is everyone else doing to work around this, or is everyone just holding their breath until nautilus comes out? Thanks again. -Jeff

Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
Jeff Hornsberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi. It has slowly dawned on me that, since I installed Debian almost 2 months ago, gnome midnight
commander has never worked properly.

Yes, same here. This is due to mc not being compiled with the new
glibc version.

the reading I have done it seems this is from bug #77172 "gmc fails to create its metadata.db". All
of these problems outlined above are already registered as Important Outstanding Bugs against the gmc
package and most of them are almost 50 days old! Also from what I have read it sounds like these
problems are fixed when you build the package yourself (something I'm not interested in wasting my
time on).

I wrote a bug fix against gmc for many weeks ago (and I was not the
only one), but the maintainers never fixed this one, even after many
upgrades both of mc and glibc, so I think they are not interested in
this specifical user problem.

I fixed this during many mc upgrades by compiling gmc from sources
(put a src line in your sources.list and do a 'apt-get --compile
source gmc', which will produce a gmc deb in your current
directory). This has a massive disadvantage when you are sysadmin for
many workstations (like me).

Finally, I found that Progeny's Debian (see http://www.progeny.com)
distro has a working gmc (put the line `deb http://archive.progeny.com
progeny main contrib non-free' in your sources.list and do `apt-get
update ; apt-get install gmc'). Debian founde! r Ian Murdock and several
leading Debian developers, among them xfree86 maintainer Branden
Robinson, stand for this Debian variant, so we can trust on the
packages quality, I suppose.


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