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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I am trying, unsuccessfully, to make a VNC connection from Windows98 (office 
> of
> my client) to my woody machine. Perhaps I am misunderstanding something about
> the usage of VNC, and if anyone could help, I would really appreciate it.
> I start the vncserver by
>         $ vncserver :4,
> then check for my password in ~/.vnc/passwd. I discover it to be
>         \111A\222\333P\444L\555,
> I then launch vncviewer from the windows machine, and am prompted for the
> address I wish to establish a connection to, I type in "my dynamic ip
> address:4", and I am then prompted for "session password", and type
>         \111A\222\333P\444L\555,
> and I get a notification: VNC authentication failed!

The text you see in ~/.vnc/passwd is the encrypted form of the password
you assigned the connection - something is very wrong if you can enter the
encrypted password and gain access to the X11 session.

Try running vncpasswd to re-assign your password.


> 08/12/00 10:42:15 rfbAuthProcessClientMessage: authentication failed from 
> 205.xxx.xx.xxx

Umm... wrong password?


> Any thoughts will be much appreciated. Also, one trivial question, what is the
> easiest way for me to determine my ip address. Currently, I check the ppp log
> which identifies the address of the local and remote machines when a connetion
> is established. This involves "su"ing, opening and scanning the log, looking
> for a smarter way. Sorry for the dumb question.

Several ways:
 * /sbin/ifconfig ppp0
 * add yourself to the adm group so that you can read many of the files
   under /var/log with impunity

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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GPG public key: http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/gpg-public-key.asc
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