,bnj mkvfgsdzh jmklhzsdcfr

I'm sorry, that was me beating my head against the keyboard in frustration.

Here are the relevant parts of the config files:

LOCALMSN=089***        # my number
REMOTEMSN=109000191799 # Viag Interkom
LEADINGZERO=''         # Have to use this here, otherwise the 
                       # remotemsn becomes 0109... which is incorrect

So the problem is that my ISP, Dog bless them, have a different area code to 
me. This shouldn't be a problem, should it? I don't believe that the folks who 
wrote isdn4linux didn't consider the possibility (AFAIK this is normally the 
case in the UK, for example, where ISPs tend to be 0845-something). This 
basically means I am either stupid, going blind, or both, because I can't find 
anything in the FM. What happens is (from isdnlog):-

Fri Dec 08 18:13:54 outgoing * HDLC -> +49 89/109000191799, München  RING (Data)
Fri Dec 08 18:13:54 outgoing HDLC -> +49 89/109000191799, München  Unallocated 
(unassigned) number (Public network serving local user)
Fri Dec 08 18:13:54 outgoing HDLC -> +49 89/109000191799, München  HANGUP 
Unallocated (unassigned) number (Public network serving local user)

i.e. isdn4linux puts the f*cking areacode on the outgoing number, which might 
be perfectly correct in most cases but not in this one.
kjihj\cvkn klij\csdm

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