I tried fetchmailconf, but missundersatnding of the used terminology
made me fail at that. So, after reading "info fetchmail", I changed my
.fetchmailrc as follows:
# Configuration created Tue Dec  5 14:18:33 2000 by fetchmailconf
# and later edited by hand by me, tony, on the 8-dec-2000
set postmaster "tony"
set no bouncemail
set properties ""

poll postoffice.worldnet.att.net proto POP3
user "arodriguez" is user "tony" here
password "boombeemboomhere-not the real one"

smtphost mailhost.worldnet.att.net
options keep
 It now connects fine, the mail is retrieved, or so I believe, at least
that is what ius printed to the screen. Now, when I run mutt or mail as
"tony", it says no mail for tony. Where is it? What should I change in
my in my .fetchmailrc? whats wrong?

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