On Sun, Feb 09, 2003 at 10:45:30AM -0600, Shyamal Prasad wrote:
>     "Rob" == Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Rob> On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 10:34:46AM -0600, Shyamal Prasad
>     Rob> wrote:
>     >> This really should go in the user manual or something.....
>     Rob> I'm fairly sure this is documented in both Osamu's Debian
>     Rob> Quick Reference, and Will's NewbieDoc.  Either people are
>     Rob> unaware of them or refuse to read them...
> As far as I can tell it is not documented in Osamu's Debian Quick
> Reference Guide (at least not the one at
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/quick-reference/quick-reference.en.html
> which is all I know about). 

Oh, ok.  Either I'm imagining things, or it possibly is only in the
latest version available from http://qref.sf.net/

> I had never heard of Will's Newbie doc, but google finally led me to
> http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/tutorials/cdrw/index-debian-cdrw.html
> which is exactly what people want for the most part, but it does not
> discuss the /etc/modutils/ approach that IMHO works extremely well
> with the modular 2.4.x kernels.

Ah, that's a good point.

> When I get some time (after my travel this month on work) I will make
> an attempt to write a chapter and submit it somewhere
> appropriate..... 

Definitely.  Both Will and Osamu are very eager to take contributions,
so certainly submit it to one or both of them :)

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             http://ertius.org/

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