On Mon 11 Dec 00, 10:29 AM, Dale Kosan said...
> I have installed Debian and now have my network card working,still no sound 
> but that is not important right now.The problem is my display,when I get into 
> x my screen is bigger than the monitor and I have to move the mouse to the 
> left and down to get to the start button and to see the clock.I have a 17" 
> Goldstar 78i monitor and I know the vertical and horizontal refresh rates 
> from the manual and from previous versions of Linux.The video card is an ATI 
> Expert 98 which is auto detected.I think the problem is the resolution.I 
> think it is not taking the 1152 and going to 600x400.I think I have to edit 
> the config file but am not sure how to move forward.Also I cant seem to find 
> Netscape debs anywhere.I would appreciate any help you people could 
> offer.Thanks in advance......

you need to learn how to use paragraphs and line wrap, my friend.

if you want to make sure of your resolution, use xvidtune or xdpyinfo |

when you have to mouse around the screen because the screen is larger than
the monitor size, that's because your "virtual screen" is larger than your
screen.   to change that, set your virtual screen equal to your resolution.
for instance,

Section "Screen"
   Driver "svga"
   Device "My Video Card"
   Monitor "My Monitor"
   DefaultColorDepth 32
   Subsection "Display"
       Depth   32
       Modes "1024x768"  "800x600" "640x480" "832x624" "1152x864"
       Virtual 1024 768

note that my default screen size is 1024x768 since it's the 1st on in the
modes list.  i set my virtual screen to 1024 768.   this will get rid of
"mousing around to reach part of the screen".

you should learn a bit about XF86Config file.  it'll make life so much
easier for you in the long run.   i think i learned about it from 'redhat
secrets'.  a truly good book for the newbies.  once you read their section,
man XF86Config is a good resource.


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