i made an astonishing discovery:

device-3dfx (3dfx.o) is only needed for glide applications.  and then, only
if you want to play the glide game as non-root.   quake3 plays just dandy as

in fact, i have a question about this.  i do a lot of benchmarking, and i've
found that quake3 plays FASTER as non-root than as root.

timedemo 1                  voodoo 5/5500
----------                  xfree86 4.0.1
root: 34.6 fps              dual celery 550
p:    39.0 fps

these benchmark numbers are the fastest out of a trial of 3.  i didn't
fiddle with mtrr's or runlevels.  i rebooted the system after each trial of
3 was done.   the timedemos were run without a window manager, via xinitrc.

to be honest, the 39fps is an improvement over the voodoo3, but not by much.
i was expecting something much, much faster.   is there anyone else on this
list with a voodoo5 or voodoo4 and quake3?  can you email me your benchmarks
for timedemo1?  i'd like to compare numbers.

maybe the lack of speed increase is a result of the v4/v5 driver not being

in any event, the speed difference between root and p is very strange.  does
anyone have an explanation for such a thing to happen?


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