On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 09:03:32PM -0500, A R wrote:
> Done. Works. Thanks. Now, there is still some details:

What did you specify for exim's qualify_domain and local_domains?

> How do I tie fetchmail to mutt? When I start mutt and type "G", I get POP 
> server
> not defined. If I retrieve mail with fetchmail, it gets it, I read it with 
> simple
> command $ mail, and so forth.

You don't tie fetchmail to mutt:), but you could tie it to pppd and have
automatic fetchmail incantations each time you enter the internet.
  [mutt's G-command is a poor mans version of fetchmail buildin into mutt and
   must be configured in ~/.muttrc independently from your fetchmail config,
   most think that you're better off with the one and only real fetchmail];
To do so you'll have to copy as root the example fetchmail-up and
fetchmail-down scripts from /usr/share/doc/fetchmail to /etc/ppp/ip-up
and /etc/ppp/ip-down resp., next you'll need to:

  # mv ~your-user-name/.fetchmailrc /etc/fetchmailrc
  # chown root:root /etc/fetchmailrc

To make this really rock, you'll beter add "set daemon 901" to the general
section of your /etc/fetchmailrc file. This tells fetchmail to go into
daemon mode and poll each 901 sec. (each 15 min.) as long as you're on-line.
The ip-down script tells fetchmail to stop just after the ppp-link is brought

> But it also tells me that there is some failure while retrieving.

Pleas tell us what error messages you get?
Try "fetchmail -v -v" to get more info. (better do this before you tie
fetchmail to ppp)

groetjes, carel

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