On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 02:47, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 04:22:28PM -0600, Michael D. Schleif wrote:
> > For example, if I do these:
> > 
> >     maildirmake Maildir ~/mail
> >     maildirmake -f Drafts ~/mail/Maildir
> > but, mutt does *not* show me the Drafts folder when I do: c|?
> Um, I'm fairly sure that mutt doesn't support dirs inside maildirs...No
> doubt the mutt-users list would know for sure...

Well, your Maildir setup is correct. I'm using courier for IMAP access
with Maildirs, and that's almost identical to what I'm using. (I'm just
using ~/Maildir instead of ~/mail/Maildir.) I've got a number of
subfolders that all show up fine _OVER IMAP_. Whether mutt knows how to
parse such a setup directly or not is a different issue however. That's
something that I'm not sure about. A somewhat overkill solution, but one
none the less, would be to run an IMAP server locally and then have mutt
access the mail via IMAP instead of directly parsing the Maildir. That
is of course assuming that it's not a configuration issue and that mutt,
in fact, can not parse the folder structure properly.


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