Well, not quite...

Karsten commented to me off list that starting such a thread was
contributing to the excess. He's right, but I think it's something
interesting to think about.

Quoth Ignasi Tura, 

> Let's see if we continue this way or we just split (I suggest
> debian-novice if there's the case).

Splits have been proposed countless times in the past, and it's always
been concluded that it wouldn't work. If we started a debian-novice, who
would hang around to answer questions?

Certainly being on d-u is an educational experience. I attribute most of
my linux knowledge to things that I have picked up in passing here.
Certainly browsing d-u regularly will make you a better linux user and
administrator than reading any book will. However, people don't tend to
be too receptive when they ask what's the best way to learn about linux
and you tell them to follow a high-volume mailing list for a year or

I wonder, however, how long the ballance can be maintained. I'm finding
myself that I'm using CTL-D a lot (in mutt, that's delete-thread), so
there is probably questions that I would have responded to in the past
that I now no-longer read. 

There have been over 220 posts in the last 24-hours. Who has the time to
read them all any more? As such, is this list destined to become less

Interestingly, this increase has come at the same time as web sites like
debianplanet and debianhelp. Maybe if more people knew about these
resources (and more of us knowledgable folks contributes to them), the
reliance, and traffic, on this list would decrease.

Oh well, I'm sure we'll work it out.



Damon Muller              | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,     | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829     |                      - TBMG, "Dead"

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