[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Kelm) writes:

> I originally sent this to debian-user, but got no response.  Perhaps this is
> the more appropriate list.

Well, no, not really, but I'll give it a shot.

> I am in the process of trying to upgrade my computers to 2.2.  My
> workstation was running 2.0 and my server was running 1.3.  When I upgraded
> my workstation, I started having network problems.  Downloading files seems
> to frequently stop after 1-5 minutes.  The network is still up, pinging the
> source still works.  Other connections (e.g., http) still are running. 
> There is just no download occurring!  Sometimes everything works great.  My
> slrnpull cron job hasn't worked since the upgrade because it aborts after
> downloading one group and part way through the next group with the error
> "***Connection to news.concentric.net lost. Performing shutdown.".

Kinda sounds like a kernel issue or a hardware issue.  I don't think
it's a Debian issue.

> I thought there might be some problem with the server (acting as my Internet
> gateway) running 1.3, and since I needed to install a larger hard drive
> anyway, I did a clean install of 2.2 on the server.  Everything goes great
> until I get to the point of downloading the rest of the system using ftp and
> apt-get.  When I try to do "apt-get update" the same downloading problem
> occurs and apt-get times out without getting the full packages listing.
> I've been using Linux for a couple years now, but I'm no expert.  Usually
> the Debian installs and upgrades work without any big problems.  I'm not
> sure how to go about troubleshooting this one.  The log files don't show
> anything curious.  I've checked the archives of this mailing list, but
> haven't found any mention of a similar problem.  So it must be something I'm
> not doing correctly.  Both machines are using 486 processors.  They use
> different network cards (NE2000 and HP J2405A).

Ouch.  Are you sure you don't have any network flakiness?  The cables
are good?

It sounds to me like a hardware issue.  Perhaps you have BaseIO or IRQ
conflicts or something since they are rather old machines.  Perhaps
this happened on both machines as you upgraded the kernel?

I really would point to either the physical network or the i386
hardware somehow.  Try pulling out other cards, check your bios
settings and stuff in proc.  Make sure you don't have any IRQ
conflicts or anything.  Maybe try compiling a kernel just including
the drivers you need...

.....Adam Di [EMAIL PROTECTED]<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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