On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 12:09:22AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> can someone point me to documentation specifically aimed at beefing up
> security of ftp and apache?   everything is behind an LRP (linux router
> project) firewall, so i'm pretty secure otherwise.  i let hardly anything in
> or out, everything gets logged, and i actually look at the logs.  i run tara
> every so often, and i'm very conscious about password security.

I can't suggest any resources besides the respective sets of documentation.
You can pro-actively enhance the security of your FTP daemon by running it
chrooted and under a user id that cannot write to the daemon's directory.
A sucessful exploit in this case will not do much harm.

> however, i'm curious about vulnerabilities in the ftp and www daemons
> themselves.

As varied as the daemons themselves. Most are buffer overflows or failure to
properly check user input. In the case of httpd, carelessly written cgis are
the biggest concern.

Henry House
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