> Tried that, too. Still segfaulting and postinst doesn't work.

   Sorry, I forgot to mention my entire procedure.  Here's exactly what I

 1) I purged mysql-server.
 2) This of course, left my /var/lib/mysql subdirectory intact.  I then
moved /var/lib/mysql to something like /var/lib/mysql.good.
 3) I did a reinstall of mysql-server and it went smoothly.
 4) I then shut down mysql killed the new /var/lib/mysql subdir and moved
the "good" subdirectory back to being /var/lib/mysql.
 5) After restarting the server, all ran well.

 Regards, | Seeing Bill Gates in TV ads whining about the court verdict,
 .        | perhaps we should recall Woodrow Wilson's warning of 1912: "If
 Randy    | there are men in this country big enough to own the government
          | of the United States, they are going to own it."

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