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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I'm trying to setup a server on my home network and I need some advice
> on how to setup exim.

Sample config: http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/exim.conf

> Here's my network config:
> One Debian server, one debian workstation, fiance's winbox.  I use a
> 56k modem to connect to the internet. (Currently only 3 users, root,
> me, and fiance)

s/56k modem/cable modem/ and you'll have a lot of people's home setups.

> I'm trying to keep all my mail on the server (I do a lot of testing
> with my workstation and reinstall quite often, and no, putting my mail
> on the winbox is not an option.)
> Here's my plan in plain english:
> 1.  Logon to the internet.

If you want to do it manually do it with masqdialer ("apt-get install
masqdialer") and go to http://cpwright.villagenet.com/mserver/ for Wintel,
Mac, and X11 clients.

If you want it done automagically investigate diald.

> 2.  *Automatically* grab email from 2 different ISPs and put on local
> Debian server.

Put the script to run fetchmail under /etc/ppp/ip-up.d.  More info is
needed on how these 2 ISPs relate to users on the Debian server, though.

> 3.  Access email on local Debian server from Debian workstation and
> winbox.
> 4.  *Leave* email on Debian server, do not transport to workstations.

Configure workstations for IMAP.  Which imap server you use depends on the
mailbox format you choose.  Depending on the mail client and mailbox
format you use on the Debian workstation you may be able to get by with
NFS between workstation and server (ie mutt + maildir).

But IMAP is a good blanket statement :)

> 5.  Send email using smtp.

You'd do best to use you're ISPs SMTP server as a smarthost.  See the
sample config file.

If you mean "send queued email using smtp" there's already a
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/exim (at least on my computer) that does that.

Check the spec (I have slightly out-of-date HTML documentation at
http://tux.creighton.edu/doc/exim/manual.html/) and the listserv
archives at http://www.exim.org for info on delaying delivery.

> 6.  Rewrite all local network addresses to reflect ISP email addresses.

See the sample exim.conf.

> 7.  Log off of internet.

masqdialer can hang up for you when you're done.

I'd imagine diald will hang up automatically after a period of inactivity.

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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GPG public key: http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/gpg-public-key.asc
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
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