On Tue 19 Dec 00,  1:08 PM, Jason Holland said...
> Peter,
>   what modultils version are you using??  the 2.4 series requires at least
> version 2.3.18 or above.  check your
> /usr/src/linux-2.4/Documentation/Changes file for other relevant software
> updates you might need to make.  If that is not the problem, imm.o is the
> driver for an Iomega parallel port scsi adapter.  Do you have one of those
> in your box??  If not, get rid of that in your kernel config and recompile.

i originally compiled imm support as a module because you never know when a
friend will come over with one of these things...

well, i recompiled the kernel and modules without imm support, and there are
no complaints from depmod.

but this kind of sucks!  it's precisely the reason why i tend to built
monolithic kernels instead of modular kernels.  stuff always seems to go
wrong sooner or later.  not serious stuff, but really annoying messages
which are rather unpleasing to watch scroll by...


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