On Wednesday 20 December 2000 23:50, D-Man wrote:
> Last night I installed Potato using the 'network' method.  It was
> very nice! (especially with my 100Mb/s connection).
> Debian has more packages in the distro than RH!  Very cool!  I found
> some debian packages that I hadn't been able to find rpms for
> previously.  The only problem is that many of the packages are old
> (ie gnome-*, sawmill, python, etc).  When was Potato released?  (that
> may be the problem and woody might have the newer packages)  How
> unstable is woody?

First of all I will ask what you have in your /etc/apt/sources.list?  
To keep really current on the gnome stuff you might want to add

deb http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main

I've been using ever since potato was released.  The only big problem 
was a _little_ libc6 meltdown a long time ago (the fix was actually 
pretty easy for my machine).  Other people have had some problems with 
perl5.6.  But for the most part I would say it is very stable.

> When I looked at the inittab file, it had a comment saying that
> runlevels 2-5 are mutlti-user.  Ok, but not enough information.  I
> have been using RH for 2 years, and it has runlevel 5 for X and 3 for
> full multi-user.  Does Debian use the same runlevels?  I know some
> distros use different nubers than RH.  (The inittab should explicitly
> list each runlevel)

Yeah that one confused me for a second too since I came from RPM based 
distros.  As David noted, just look through /etc/init.d and 
/etc/rc?.d/.  If you wanted to make runlevel three a console mode, just 
change the S??xdm (or gdm or whatever login manager you use) to a 
K??xdm or just remove the link.

> I'll probably be back later with more configuration questions, but
> that's all that's on my mind for now.
> -D



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