Gee, the testing distribution was announced later in the day when I 
decided that a lagged unstable was what was really needed . . . :)

Anyway, I've tried toinstall it on the kids machine with mixed success.
As near as I can tell, the dependencies between XFree 3.3 and 4.0 cross 
over.  When I select the Xfree tasks, I end up with parts of 3.3 and 
nothing working.  I don't see anything in the archives for the last 
month or so, so could someone kindly pass me a clue?


hawk, who actually downloaded it all over a 28k modem

Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.       Smeal 178    (814) 375-4700
These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my retainer.

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