Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

> In a nutshell, you direct procmail to deliver in Maildir format. In the
> above example, you are delivering to a standard mbox:
>     :0:
>        the trailing ':' indicates file locking, a mechanism necessary
>        for mbox formats. You will omit this with Maildir, as each
>        message is given its own file.
>     * ^X-Mailing-List:.*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        this will stay the same -- this is your filtering rule
>     /home/david/mail/In-debian-user
>        this is the name of the mbox file you're using. *THIS* will also
>        change, as you want to go to a Maildir
> The revised version that would send this to a maildir is:
>     :0
>     * ^X-Mailing-List:.*[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     .In-debian-user/
> The leading '.' indicates that this directory is directly beneath the
> IMAP inbox 'INBOX'; to indicate a hierarchy, you would do something
> like:
>     .lists.In-debian-user/
> which indicates that it falls in the lists directory (which is under the
> inbox).
> The trailing '/' tells procmail to send this to a maildir... It's as
> simple as that.

Your example is clear and informative. Thank you very much.

David Raeker-Jordan
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