Dear all,

I have some problems with the maping of my keyboard.
I read all the manuals and howto's about it.
What is about?

My `k' key generate:

 o  normal:              k
 o  shift:               K
 o  alt:                 k
 o  alt+shift:           K
 o  meta:                ë (e with 2 dots above)
 o  meta+shift:          Ë (E with 2 dots above)
 o  meta+alt:            ë (e with 2 dots above)
 o  meta+alt+shift:      Ë (E with 2 dots above)
 o  ctrl:                compose
 o  ctrl+shift:          compose
 o  ctrl+alt:            compose
 o  ctrl+alt+shift:      compose
 o  ctrl+meta:           ‹ (don't know, it show as ~K as one character, I 
assume it is a command)
 o  ctrl+meta+shift:     compose
 o  ctrl+alt+meta:       ‹ (don't know, it show as ~K as one character, I 
assume it is a command)
 o  ctrl+alt+meta+shift: ‹ (don't know, it show as ~K as one character, I 
assume it is a command)
 o  capslock:            K

Other modifiers don't change the value of the key. (numLock, ScrollLock, etc.)
I have a PC 104 keyboard. XKeyCaps 2.46 call it: ``PC 104 key, wide Delete, 
short Enter, XFree86; US'' or PCOW104.

First question I had: From where is coming the letter with 2 dots on the e?
If I could find out, I could change this behavior.

I open xkeycaps and I changed the capital K with Icircumflex.
Now the meta+k generate still the e with 2 dots, but the meta+shift+k generate 
as well as the shift+k. I change also the k to generate icircumflex. I got a 
similar answer.
Now k as well as meta+key generate icircumflex.
I reset the changes, and I edit the `k' key to generate k, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 
Doesn't mater which combinations of modifiers I use the behavior is the same as 
was at the very beginning. The digits are not generated at all, and the e and E 
with 2
dots are generated with meta key.

I reseted all the changes because I realize that xmodmap and xkeycaps can't 
help me.

I went to ``'' 
to read
``The Linux keyboard and console HOWTO''.
Chapter 15. Examples of use of loadkeys and xmodmap, show how to make F12 
produce the string
"emacs ". It does not work at all. dumpkeys show that I did the change but if I 
press F12 
I still have the same string of characters: "\033[24~".

Next I try to change /etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz:
the line `keycode  37 = k' into `keycode  37 = k Icircumflex' (run loadkeys)  
==> no change
the line `keycode  37 = k' into `keycode  37 = icircumflex' (run loadkeys)  ==> 
no change

Next I change in /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17/drivers/char/
the line ``keycode  37 = k' into `keycode  37 = icircumflex       Icircumflex   
  k k k k k k'.
I recompile the kernel  ==> no change. With this new kernel I changed again
/etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz but no better luck.

Conclusions: I don't understand who/what is responsible with the key binding.

What I want in fact? Check the table:

I have          I want

`1234567890-=   `1234567890-=
qwertyuiop[]\   ăşertţuiop[]\
asdfghjkl;'     asdfghjîl;'
zxcvbnm,./      zxcvbnm,./


๲ł´ľśˇ¸š°­˝   ­­­­­­­­­­­­­
ń÷ĺňôůőéďđŰÝÜ   qw­­­y­­­­­­­
áóäćçčęë읧     â­­­­­­k­­­
úřăöâî폎Ż      ­­­­­­­­­­

ţĄŔŁ¤ĽŢŚŞ¨ŠßŤ   ­­­­­­­­­­­­­
Ń×ĹŇÔŮŐÉĎĐűýü   QW­­­Y­­­­­­­
ÁÓÄĆÇČĘËĚş˘     ­­­­­­K­­­
ÚŘĂÖÂÎÍźžż      ­­­­­­­­­­

If nothing can be done I am willing to write a driver. Where I can
read a manual about?

If nothing can be done I am willing to write a driver. Where I can
read a manual about?

Thank you for your help,

Ionel Ciobica

P.S. In fact I want to have an alternate Romanian keyboard. The default one
(for Romanian) is silly. It assign the key {[, ]}, |\, ;: and '" to Romanian
letters: acircumflex, icircumflex, tcommabelow, scomabelow, abreve.
This is not good enough because those key are in heavy use, especially
if one use latex. I want to change the q, w, y and k keys which doesn't
bellong to Romanian language and are not use in Romanian texts.

Currently I solve somehow the problem by having two .vimrc files.
For Romanian text: I have a script which copy the Romanian .vimrc to
~/.vimrc and then open vim.
A sample of the .vimrc file:
:inoremap k î
:inoremap K Î
:inoremap ë k
:inoremap Ë K

I can't assign abreve to a key but rather atilde and then use a iso-8859-2
font encoding to see it right.

_/                                                                  _/
_/                     Ionel  Mugurel    Ciobica                    _/
_/ Schuit   Institute  of   Catalysis    Phone: 00 31 (0)40 2473781 _/
_/ Eindhoven University of Technology    Fax:   00 31 (0)40 2455054 _/
_/ Department of Chemical Engineering    Home:  00 31 (0)40 2569321 _/
_/ Laboratory  of  Catalysis   _SKA_     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] _/
_/ Theory Group, STW 4.27, POBox 513 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands _/
_/                                                                  _/

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