On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 02:43:33PM -0800, Xucaen wrote:
> --- "S.Salman Ahmed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But just know that you do not have to reinstall
> > Debian to tweak and
> > reconfigure the system. And telling newbies to
> > reinstall Debian to do
> > that, no matter how many smilies you use, just
> > isn't good advice.
> ok, I (finally) agree with you. 
> > We all need to do our bit to make sure that new
> > users do not get
> > intimidated by Debian, and go back to their
> > OrangeVest Linux distro that
> > has GUI config tools.
> I'm keeping a notebook of all the files and
> utilities I find in my exploration of linux.
> maybe in a few months we'll see yet another linux
> doc out there...

months? c'mon, since we're all messing with debian, we ALL know
that none of us REALLY has any LIFE to speak of, so you just
need to scrap together a newbieDoc right away, to keep from
feeling guilty because otherwise you'd be dooming other poor,
wretched souls who're condemned to suffer the same fates you
did, but since you were too lazy to help save them from it,
you'll be cursed to life on as a hollow example for others to
learn from, but only indirectly, since you didn't write up that
newbieDoc fast enough.

[ how's that for a run-on-sentence? :) ]


"what's up with them? they were so vibrant, but now... eesh!"

"oh, they had the chance to help others by writing up their
debian experiences, but noooo. they blew it. just look at them!"

There are only two places in the world where time takes
precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
                                        --William Glasser 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ***    http://www.dontUthink.com/

volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies -- http://www.eGroups.com/messages/newbieDoc

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